Strawberry Spash Mead recipe
Recipe copyright (C)1989 Forrest Cook and Jonathan Corbet
Brewed 5/13/1989, Bottled 6/23/1989, Size 7 Gallons
- 8 lb Alfalfa's Boulder clover and wildflower honey mix
- 2 lb Madhava western wildflower honey
- 2 lb fresh pureed strawberries
- 6 cups corn sugar
- 0.5 cup lactose
- 1.5 oz cascade leaf hops (boil)
- 2 tbsp gypsum
- 1 pack red star champagne yeast (started in diluted must)
- 1 tea strainer lemon grass tea added when transferred to carboy
- 1 cup corn sugar (bottling)
Specific Gravity Reading, 1 carboy:
- OG 1.052 @ 109 deg F (in brewing pail)
- IG 1.004 @ 70 deg F (moved to carboy)
- FG 0.998 @ 73 deg F (bottling)
Tastes sweet at first, has a sour aftertaste, very promising.
Aged nicely, use more strawberries next time.
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