High Time Mead recipe
Recipe copyright (C)1985 Forrest Cook, Jonathan Corbet and Paul Downing
Brewed 3/9/1985, Bottled 4/?/1985, Size 7 Gallons
- 9 lbs Honey
- 1 lbs malted barley (light)
- 1-1/2 lbs corn sugar
- 1-1/2 oz cascade leaf hops
- 20 oz raspberry concentrate
- 1 tbsp gypsum
- 1 tsp citric acid
- 1 pinch Irish moss
- 1 pinch yeast nutrient
- 1 cup corn sugar (bottling)
Specific Gravity Reading, 1 carboy:
- OG 1.061 @ ? deg F
- FG 0.994 @ 70 deg F
The title was inspired by the songwriting team of Hunter and Garcia.
Great stuff, this was one of our early attempts at a mead
and you can definitely tell our beer brewing influence when
looking at the ingredients.
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